Here's who we are and what we do.

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Building and strengthening youth climate movement to advocate and support government and private sector to increase climate ambition.

Capacity Building

Developing youth climate activists and mutual learning for on-ground Global South youth climate activists, including South-South and North-South dialogues.


Establishing a mechanism for youth climate movement to serve as a model for replication across Africa and Global South countries.

Support Mobilization

Building credibility, legitimacy and mobilizing public support worldwide.

Who we are

The Youth Climate Council (YCC) is the institutional mechanism for the youth climate movement in Ghana. We are a formal mechanism to collect and bring the opinions of youth CSOs, young people, and the public into national climate-related decision-making processes. The YCC is an independent youth group sourced from existing youth-climate NGOs and given the political power to make input into all national climate policies as an equal stakeholder.
While we serve all young people and the general public, for security and wellbeing purposes, participation as a member of the Council is limited to youth between the ages of 18 – 35 years.
We reinforce efforts of young people within the climate space in Ghana through interventions that create synergy and promote an inclusive engagement of youth in climate change policy formulation and implementation.
Climate change is the greatest threat to our existence in our short history on this planet. Nobody’s going to buy their way out of its effects.

Our Mission

Promoting grassroots activism in Ghana through a democratic effort on a scale never seen before and building the resilience of young activists to enhance Ghana’s local engagement on climate policies.

6 Training for Youth-led Climate CSOs held
Increased presence and impact of young climate activists
Replicated in Brazil, Costa Rica, Nigeria and Uganda
Established a Global Alliance between councils to build cooperation
1,858 youth activists enrolled on database

Our Vision

The Youth Climate Council’s vision is to bring climate activists and youth-led climate groups together to create an institutional mechanism for a unified and collaborative movement that delivers a high positive impact for the collective.

We don’t have time to sit on our hands as our planet burns. For young people, climate change is bigger than election or re-election. It’s life or death.

Our Work

Capacity Building
We engage and mobilize young people from different backgrounds, especially civil society organizations and youth-led movements in Ghana that are active in environmental and climate-related matters. We work with government and non-governmental stakeholders in training and building the needed capacity of youth groups to improve bottom-up participation.
We manage, coordinate, conceptualize, and design research activities of climate activists and youth-led organizations. We provide technical guidance related to the policy engagement of youth climate organizations in Ghana at the regional and national levels. We also ensure the delivery of research that aligns the work of young climate leaders in Ghana with international climate frameworks and environmental policies.
We leverage on our membership to influence climate policy and demand youth inclusion in climate decision-making. We also provide technical coordination including media relations, brand alignment, and multi-media productions for its members. We ensure that the services reach as many youth climate activists and youth-focused organizations as possible.
Movement Building
We are committed to unifying the Youth Climate Movement in Ghana. This involves movement-building, connecting people in networks, developing their skills, and providing them with tools.
Our achievement so far
0123456789001234567890Policy Brief Outcome Documents
0123456789001234567890Young people sponsored to COP
0123456789001234567890Capacity Building Sessions
0123456789001234567890Climate Initiatives Funded
0123456789001234567890Climate Negotiators Trained
Our fight to save the planet and its people is growing more and more serious. The devastating impacts of climate change, destruction of forests and the deterioration of our rivers continue to loom large, and this is more concerning for youth.

In many ways, we’re in the fight for our future. The inequitable system is the same one that landed us in a climate and extinction crisis. Our members in Ghana and across the globe are fighting for our climate and our communities, and abuse of the earth’s ocean, land, air, and fresh water.

Through our youth training, research, movement building, and advocacy, we’ve been campaigning for a green future for the past 2 years, and we’re not stopping now.

Our Partners

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Our Members

We engage with young people (35 years and below), children, and youth-focused climate organizations. We are very keen to involve youth-led and youth-focused organizations in our network and wish to support them in their activities to advance climate action in Ghana.

Primarily, we provide a platform to increase the capacity building of youth activists and organizations to influence climate policy and support implementation.

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